
Saturday, February 23, 2013

the origin of love.

guess who is going to see mika next month?!

you best believe i'll be wearing my mika shoes.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

an abundance of wedding pictures.

pinky promises are serious business.

instead of a cake, we had red velvet and chocolate cupcakes

our rings must have disappeared for a bit.
we got pictures back and had a ton of cool shots of them.
but i don't remember them leaving for so long.

this was another.  it's our rings in my bouquet, which was supposed to be just red roses.
but we couldn't find enough red ones.
so we got sparkly ones too.  which i was excited about.

we had a hot chocolate bar.
it went perfectly with the cupcakes and turned out so cute!
it took me forever to get hot chocolate though,
luckily i had some pretty awesome bridesmaids who stood in line for my hot chocolate.

centerpieces were christmas ornaments, pictures of us and mints.
i was excited in the first place, but they turned out so much better than i expected.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

things i love and things i don't love

things i love:
-stormy days.  all day at school you can look forward to snuggling to a movie and hot chocolate.
-getting packages in the mail.  so much better than getting letters.
-rose and nine/ten.  mostly rose.
-new followers
-orange juice and juju hearts.
-our wedding pictures!  which we finally got!

things i don't love:
-when the hot water runs out before you
get a chance to shave your prickly cactus-legs.
-when you go to the library and absolutely everything
on your to-read list is checked out.
-people who don't use right words.  this has been
on my rant list for awhile.  You don't take things for granite.
granite is a rock.  you take them for granted.
also, why does everyone say/write "without further adieu..."?
adieu is a french word for goodbye.
you actually mean "without further ado...."
ado.  as in much about nothing.
-unpacking. we visited husband's family last weekend.  he
unpacked, but you better believe my still-packed bag is still
sitting on our bedroom floor.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I'm having a super productive day.

And I'm feeling awesome about it.

I don't have classes Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I usually sleep pretty late.  Which I did today because these days 8:30 is late.  But when I woke up, I went right to making my bed and got ready and washed some dishes.......

Grandma sent us a package.  She sent us Pocahontas.  Pocahontas is my favorite movie, don't judge.  And my grandma is the best.

I was able to get reading done for my English class at work, and write a response to it at home on my lunch break.  I took a quiz for my independent study course, which I'm never motivated to be very productive in.

And I just started another paper for English.  My paper is on Tangled.  And I think that's really cool.  Last night I watched Tangled and called it research.

After dinner, I'll stop by two art exhibitions and get two days worth of credit for art insights........

and after that husband and I will have a much-earned date night and go see one of our friends perform in Chicago (The musical.  We aren't actually going to Chicago.)

All in all I think this is shaping up to be a rather splendid day.

I might have cried at this scene last night.  I'm overly emotional. It's fine. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

neveux et nièces

Since I have nieces and nephews now, 
maybe I look for excuses to spoil them the teeniest bit
and make them painted onesies.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I know posts have been few and far between.  I have been busy or had no real wisdom to share.  Today i read a blog post (actually 2. but i'll get to that) by a girl who got married just shortly after I did.

She posted about how one day she didn't have much motivation and didn't want to get out of bed or shower or anything.  One day.  One lazy day.  And she was freaking out and calling herself a terrible wife, and saying how she'd had such a hard time that day.

The second post was a few hours from that same blogger.  She posted about how well she and her husband eat.  How she can throw random ingredients together in the crock pot and end up with a beautiful and delicious meal.  How her potato soup is the best.  How she is a wonderful cook.

This really struck me the wrong way.  I have been feeling every day like she was in her first post.  Every single day.  I think I am married to the perfect man.  He never leaves socks on the floor, never leaves dirty dishes in the sink.  He's organized and studious.  He is practically perfect in every way.

I'm not.
I had all these dreams of being the best wife I could be.  I was a pretty good girlfriend, an okay fiancee, but now I leave all my clothes on the floor, because I hate putting laundry away.  I sometimes (usually) don't make the bed until I get back from class or work.  I let dishes pile up, and when I actually do try to do them, I make a mess.  I am very easily distracted, and not motivated to work hard in classes I don't enjoy.  I try to cook healthy, homemade meals for us, but sometimes we just end up with hamburger helper.  I am a bad influence when it comes to grocery shopping because I want to get something to feed my cheesecake obsession.  The potato soup turns out watery and disgusting.

Her post wasn't bad.  She later talked about how she got over that feeling of being a failure.  I know this wasn't her goal in writing, but it made me feel a hundred times worse.  If that one day made her a "terrible wife," what does the last two months make me?

With valentine's day coming up, I want to brag a little about husband.  He's wonderful.  He is so patient with me and all my imperfections, puts up with my overreactions, and can handle me when I get overly emotional, which is a lot.  When I get feeling down, he always tells me how lucky he is to be married to me.  Which, while I don't understand that most of the time, is something I absolutely need to hear.  He's super handsome, and he smells nice, and he'll eat the disgusting failed potato soup, and tell me that it's really good, and that I did a good job.  He is silly, and he can always make me laugh, even though I'm doing my best to pout.  He's snuggly.  He wanted me to clear that up.  My last post made it sound like he doesn't appreciate snuggles.  He didn't like that.

Basically.  I love him more than I have ever loved anyone.  I'm a lucky girl.  
I think I'll keep him.